Thursday, July 1, 2010

Nehemiah 1-3

As you may know, we have just wrapped up 1 Timothy. Which means, it's time for a new book! We have decided to go into the Old Testament with Nehemiah. We are going to be going through three chapters a week, so make sure that you are on top of that. Nehemiah was written in first person, which means it was written by Nehemiah himself. He wrote it from Jerusalem when he returned with the third group of exiles. He writes to tell us about the rebuilding of the walls of Jerusalem and the faith that was rebuilt alongside the walls. He will face opposition and scrutiny from enemies. Knowing this, he still completes what God has called him to do, even though he was fearful of what might happen. While reading these first few chapters, I encourage you to look at the situations around you that you may be fearful of. What are you doing with this? Are you going after Gods calling regardless? Are you seeking His heart even when your in despair?

In chapter one, Nehemiah learns about the state that Jerusalem is in. His brother came to visit, and when Nehemiah asked how Jerusalem was, his brother told him things were not well and that the wall of Jerusalem had been torn down. Nehemiah wept for his people. In his despair, he looked to God and sought His counsel. Nehemiah he fasted and prayed for days asking Him to remember what God told Moses. He wanted nothing more than to rebuild the Wall that was gone. For that, he needed the King's favor.

Chapter two and three goes on to explain to us Nehemiah's actions. He was a cup bearer to King Artaxerxes's during his reign. While bringing the King wine, the King asked him why he was so sad looking. He explained what had happened and the King gave him permission to go help rebuild the cities walls. When Nehemiah entered, he spoke to the city officials and Jewish leaders. He told them of the trouble and told them what God had said. They replied instantly saying to rebuild the wall. In Nehemiah 2:19, Nehemiah receives some opposition, but quickly replies telling them that God will help them succeed. This is proven when high priests began rebuilding and dedicating the gates and walls.


1 comment:

  1. Anonymous5.7.10

    I like chapter 3,because throughout the whole chapter is says,they built,rebuilt,and repaired.
    people came together and helped each other build the wall back up after it had fallen down.
    i feel that the church should be the same way.
    we should be working together to do something greater than just one person can do alone.
