Thursday, April 29, 2010

Jonah 3

Here we are in the third week of Jonah. Chapter 3 is another very short chapter (10 verses in fact so you can read it in a good 30 seconds or less). Even though it is so short, it is also so powerful. In this chapter we truly see the grace that God shows to those that obey Him.

We pick up in this chapter with Jonah finally deciding to obey God. We can only assume that he didn't want to be swallowed by a fish again so he goes to Nineveh. Now understand that Nineveh is the capital of the very large Assyrian empire. These were very wicked people and that is why God wanted to destroy the city.

We read that Jonah just strolls in and tells the people that in 40 days the city is going to be destroyed. Normally when a prophet does this, he is thrown out of the city or killed. Focus on what happens in Nineveh. These 10 short verses show such grace and forgiveness. Really apply that in your own life and the results of it may astound you. I look forward to seeing what God shows you through this because it is going to be so good.

- Stephen

Friday, April 23, 2010

Jonah 2

So we pick up in chapter two where we find our friend Jonah crying out to God from inside of a great fish. He finds himself in a time of arrest. A time where God has actually spared his life from the sea's waves, but still faces difficult choices to return to God. It is a time of repentance, and trust.

God sent this fish to spare Jonah's life, and not let him drown in the ocean. This gives us an idea of what it's like when God sees something in us that is jacked up. He will spare us and forgive us, but that doesn't mean things will immediately be easy again. God's judgment is far better than falling to the consequences of sin. Often, God's judgment is actually mercy, if you knew the consequence of sin.

So, as you read this chapter be reminded how God is with us through any situation, even when there is terrible stuff in us. He wants to cleanse and bring us to the point repentance, just as He did with Jonah. Also, sometimes God allows us to go through difficult times to let us know that he is serious about getting to us.

Take some time to examine yourself. Have you been dodging God because of the shame of something, or have you just been running away from who He wants you to be? Find out what boat you're on, cuz if it's the wrong one, you're probably gonna get tossed off.


Thursday, April 15, 2010

Jonah 1

Because we finished the book of 1 Peter last week, it is time to start a new book. The book we chose is Jonah. Jonah is an Old Testament book and it is about a prophet that decided he didn't want to do what the Lord told him to do.

Chapter one sets up the story of Jonah and gives the book direction. This chapter also shows a calling from the Lord over Jonah and the direct disobedience of Jonah for God's will. This is an instance when not following God's will for your life not only affects you, but others around you.

While reading this passage, focus on how God can use a situation of disobedience for His glory. Notice the sailors reactions to their fear of the Lord and watch the outcome. After reading the passage pray and ask God to reveal an application for your life.

How is your submission affecting your life? Testimony? Relationships?
Are there areas of disobedience in your life that may be affecting others?
Do you see God using it for good regardless of you possibly not submitting?


Thursday, April 8, 2010

1 Peter 5

This week is the final week of our study of 1 Peter. In many ways this chapter is one of the most applicable and important chapters in Peter. It can teach you things no matter where you are in your Christianity.

Allow God to speak through the simplicity of this chapter. Peter wrote things down in a very plain way so that everyone could understand them. I also encourage you to not assume that you fall into the follower section of this chapter. Some of you are leaders to more people than you know and you can learn from this chapter in multiple ways.

Since this is the last chapter in 1 Peter, you should reflect on the book as a whole. Even if you have to read through the whole book again I suggest you do so. Just by reading the few comments posted every week I can see that God is revealing new truths to you. I love all of you and I look forward to reading the comments that you post about this chapter.

- Stephen