Thursday, June 24, 2010

1 Timothy 6

As we wrap up 1 Timothy, Paul gives a few final words to Timothy. He first speaks of the rich and wealthy and how many of them were once believers themselves, but gave into the temptation of "knowledge" which only leads to selfishness. He says they will not inherit God's kingdom because their eyes are blocked by greed and they will continue to follow that path forever.

He then goes on to say, to stay away from all who are like this as they will bring nothing to you, but hardships and will only try to bring you down. I think he says this to speak to Timothy as he was young and impressionable. I think this really impacts us and young people in general because we must guard our hearts against attacks, but not completely seclude ourselves to the saved because if we do, how will others come to Christ?


  1. Kind of continuing what was said:

    Jesus sat down and ate with sinners, not just good people. So we should follow his example and reach out to nonbelievers. However you need to surround yourself with Christians and have a good foundation in your faith first. This way, instead of them influencing you, you will able to influence them. You'd be able to stand up to the temptations to do things you know aren't right and be able to spread the Word of God through your actions.

  2. Anonymous1.7.10

    1 Timothy 6:7-8,
    "For we brought nothing into the world, and we can take nothing out of it.but if we have food and clothing,we will be content with that."

    we entered the world with nothing,
    and when we leave the world we will still have nothing.
    and i know a lot of the time we still want more and more stuff.
    but we should just be thanking God everyday for everything he has provided for us.
    because we definetly dont deserve anything he has given us.
