Friday, October 29, 2010

What You See is Not All There Is... Satan and his demons

Last night we closed the Supernatural series discussing Satan and his demons. There was so much I wanted to cover, but there was not enough time in the service to adequately do so, hence my appearance on the Ref Devo this week. So I would like to recap the message from last night and include a few additional things in a two part devotional this week. Here's part one...

First, we need to know that Satan is a real, created being. He was one of the most beautiful and highest ranking angels in Heaven and his name was Lucifer, or morning star. You can read about his creation and attributes in Ezekiel 28:12-17. Verses 16 and 17 describe his sin: pride, and the resulting punishment: losing his authority and being expelled from Heaven. In Isaiah 14:12-14, he made five "I will" statements, the last being, 'I will make myself like the Most High'. God's answer to that was essentially, 'No, you will not. I am God, and there is NONE like Me'. The lie that we can be like God or gods, is prevalent in many religions today and Satan used it in Genesis 3:5 when he tempted Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden.

The Bible says a third of the angels followed Satan in rebellion against their Creator, and were also cast out of Heaven (Revelation 12:4). Many believe these fallen angels are the demons who serve Satan now. One thing we should understand is that not every bad thing is caused by demons. If you have a bad hair day, don't blame it on the 'demon of bad hair'. Another key point is that born again Christians CANNOT be demon possessed. The instant you commit your life to Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit takes up residence in your spirit, and Satan no longer has any claim on your life. We CAN, however, be influenced and oppressed by demonic spirits, especially if we give them permission to operate in our lives. Last night we discussed four things that demons do.

First, demons influence leaders of nations. All you need to do is watch the news or read the paper to see the evil in many nations. How could Hitler and Stalin be evil enough to order the murder of millions of their own innocent people? What could possibly influence a nation's highest court to enact laws that allow the murder of millions of unborn babies? Daniel 10:13 speaks of the spirit prince of Persia, a demonic entity apparently appointed to influence the human ruler of Persia.

Second, demons desire to inflict suffering on you. Matthew 17:15-18 tells the story of a young boy who attempted to kill himself several times, had seizures, and suffered terribly. He was immediately made completely well, however, after Jesus cast a demon out of him. My youngest brother's step-son, suffering from severe depression, hung and killed himself at 9 years old. Nine years old! Demons inflict suffering, often through depression, with the ultimate goal being suicide. The thief's (Satan's) purpose is to steal, kill and destroy.

Thirdly, demons scheme to lure you away from God. They watch and study us, constantly looking for ways to bring deception. "Now the Holy Spirit tells us clearly that in the last times some will turn away from what we believe; they will follow lying spirits and teachings that come from demons." 1 Timothy 4:1 NLT. There are many people who have been swayed to follow false teaching and this verse tells us the origin of that false teaching is demonic. It is vital that we study and know the Word of God, so we can discern the truth from the lies. Be aware, there are things we can read, watch and listen to, that in initial appearance, may seem good, but everything is not always as it seems. "But I am not surprised! Even Satan can disguise himself as an angel of light. So it is no wonder his servants can also do it by pretending to be godly ministers." 2 Corinthians 11:14-15 NLT

Lastly, demons want to paralyze you with fear. Evil, in it's purest form, brings with it an innate sense of fear, but perfect love (God) casts out all fear. Having a fear of failure, being afraid of losing a loved one, or being worried sick about school are all forms of fear that the enemy uses to paralyze us. Remember, "God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love and self-discipline" 2 Timothy 1:7.

In the second part of this post, we'll discuss three ways we battle the kingdom of darkness.

-P Dave


  1. Anonymous29.10.10

    This just makes me think- I've never really liked scary movies, however, when I watched them I would tell myself "It's not real, it's not real". Paranormal Activity (the first one) was one of them; through this series I've realized it IS real. I don't need to be letting that into my life, I also don't need to be giving that movie any of my money, or my ratings. Because the first one was such a hit, they then proceeded to a second one, thus endangering the actors, filmmakers, producers, viewers, etc. a second time in the process. (As if the first time wasn't enough.) They are especially harming the unbelievers whom may easily let demons into their lives. Do we as Christians want to support any of that process? Not one person deserves to go through any demonic evils.

  2. Maryse29.10.10

    If there were a like button on here, I would like your comment Mr./Ms Anonymous.

    We need to look at the potential risks of something, and then do what we can to prevent those risks from reaching people. It reminds me of something Pastor Strayer has said many times before in his sermons, "If it's not good for me, it's not good for anybody." Or something close to that, it is not a direct quote.

    Also, I am extraordinarily happy that this devotional was posted, because questions I have been dwelling on lately have been answered by this. Thanks PDA!
