Friday, October 8, 2010

Taming Your Temper

So, I am going to be completely honest with you guys. I have been struggling with this for a while now. So, as I write this, I plan to learn and grow in this subject, just as I pray you do. Subject being: dealing with anger, stress, and our attitude. Are you the one to get annoyed easily? Do you often get frustrated with people? Well, let me ask you, how do you cope? Do you walk away to vent, or do you walk away and isolate yourself from all human contact? Do you confront people with an honest, level-headed attitude, or do you yell until you get your point across?

Are you the kind of person who holds grudges? As Christians, we should forgive and move on. With much experience, I understand this is extremely hard. It may easy to forgive (verbalizing “I forgive you”), but you may struggle to completely forget. Meaning, every time you see their face, you’re reminded of what you supposedly forgave them for. Now, together, we need to all let go of our pasts; let go of our anger. It’s not worth holding on to. It’s not worth damaging your walk with God because of it.

Need help when it comes to managing your problems? If you’re having an issue with someone, and don’t know what to do, talk to a leader or accountability partner. I cannot stress that enough. Don’t go around flaunting your problems with multiple people. If you do this, you are allowing your friends to fall. I say this because gossip easily forms when you tell multiple people your problem pertaining another person. Your accountability partner and/or leaders are the perfect people to talk to when you are angry with someone, and need help venting/fixing the problem.

REMEMBER- talk needs to turn into action; talk without action is just more gossip.

Proverbs 14:17 reads, “The quick-tempered do foolish things, and those who devise evil schemes are hated.” Don’t allow yourself to be easily aggravated. It only makes you more frustrated with people, and them more frustrated with you. Go into situations with a positive, understanding mind. Be patient with people; nobody is perfect. “Those who are patient have a great understanding, but the quick-tempered display foolishness.” Proverbs 14:29

Telling people you’re angry does not give you the permission to keep treating them badly. If you are stressed and admit it out loud let that inform you to stop showing it. It will only make people around you stressed too.

We should control our anger instead of letting our anger control us.



  1. Anonymous9.10.10

    I think this is very well said. Going to multiple people about your problems isn't good because that does just start gossip. And I struggle that. I struggle looking at a person that I said I forgive you too and every time I see that person I think of what had happened. forgive and forget.

  2. This is a very practical, true post. I tend to not suffer much from immediate anger- I have a long "fuse," mainly- but at times I can be incredibly and unforgivably spiteful. That spite is something I have been trying to deal with, in varying degrees, for two or more years now. It is slow progress... But, from what I gather, all things worthwhile are difficult and long in duration.
