Saturday, November 20, 2010


Things happen. A lot. People get sick. We fight with our parents. We lose friends, family members. It happens. And when it does, we feel like our world is crashing down around us.

You have a fight with your best friend and you guys stop talking. It rips you apart and you feel like your heart is broken. Or you and your boyfriend/girlfriend break up and you're crushed.

Most of the time, we look at those situations and it's miserable. Being Christians, we know we're supposed to be okay be assured that God is going to work all things out. But when you're in that situation, it's not so easy to do.

You feel hopeless and lost.

Romans 8:28 says
"And we know that in all things, God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose." (NIV)

Most people look at this and say 'yeah, God is going to make something good out of this because I'm a Christian and I love Him.' But people ignore the last part of the verse.

"...who have been called according to His purpose."

Yes, something good will come out of whatever situation you find yourself in. But, more than that, it's all in God's plan. We have a purpose from Him. Specifically designed for each of us individually.

Everything that happens, it grows us. It defines our testimony, and it pushes us closer to the purpose He has for us. When someone walks out of your life, it's because someone else is going to walk in it and that will be a part of the purpose He has for you.

Yes, it'll all work out for your good. But, I think, more importantly, you can take comfort in knowing that, not only is God's hand in your situation, but it's guiding your situation. Drawing you nearer to Him and to the purpose He has for your life.


1 comment:

  1. Anonymous20.11.10

    You are so right; it is all easy said, but not easily done. But we need to realize and remember, God will provide. Just may take time.

