Saturday, July 10, 2010

Nehemiah 4-6

There is so much packed into this weeks devotional and I want you guys to read it and get out fo it what you can and post to share and glean for others.

Chapter 4 is about the opposition that Nehemiah and the Israelites faced during the reconstruction of the wall. It starts off with the ridicule they took from all the neighboring governors opposed to the reconstruction of the wall and their plot to attack and destroy all the Israelites and their work on the wall. The second half of the chapter is about the workers and how they were planning to defend themselves while working and how they would rely on God to pull them through.

Chapter 5 shows the humility and lack of greed on Nehemiah's part as he was doing all he could to help the Israelites in need. The officials and nobles who owned their land and charged them heavily for everything listened to Nehemiah and his wisdom and lifted the taxations and interest that they were charging the Israelites. Even when he became the governor he maintained his integrity and humility and did not take from the people because he knew it would be to hard on him. That is a great example of trying to bring justice to the people by not taking and giving plentifully.

Chapter 6 has even further threats and intimidation of Nehemiah about the rebuilding that failed and God had carried Nehemiah through the finishing of the walls and setting the doors in their place. Many of the surrounding territories were in fear because they realized it was finished because the God of heaven was with them. The wall and gates were completed in 52 days.....let me rephrase that; the completely demolished and burned walls of Jerusalem surrounding the ENTIRE city was rebuilt in 52 DAYS!!!11 What an incredible and powerful God we serve.

Please post with your responses and what you got from these chapters because I for sure would LOVE to learn something you got from this devotional and your point of view.


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