We pick up in this chapter with Jonah finally deciding to obey God. We can only assume that he didn't want to be swallowed by a fish again so he goes to Nineveh. Now understand that Nineveh is the capital of the very large Assyrian empire. These were very wicked people and that is why God wanted to destroy the city.
We read that Jonah just strolls in and tells the people that in 40 days the city is going to be destroyed. Normally when a prophet does this, he is thrown out of the city or killed. Focus on what happens in Nineveh. These 10 short verses show such grace and forgiveness. Really apply that in your own life and the results of it may astound you. I look forward to seeing what God shows you through this because it is going to be so good.
- Stephen
When I was apart of the Suncoast Vinyard growing up, some of the older kids in the small youth group there would pick on me. One of them in particular would pick on me a lot. I became so angry with him. Every Thursday I would come back from youth group frustrated. I wanted to retaliate so bad. But my mother told me never to act out in my own anger. If any of you know my mother, you will know why I never did retaliate but when I left the vinyard I regretted not showing that kid a piece of my mind. I haven't seen him since then, but I heard he fell deeply in love with Christ. Last weekend I went to his funeral. And even though I would've felt good about chewing him out before, I would've regretted it for the rest of my life if I did. I realized that, even though it seems that God is denying us justice sometimes or refusing to act in our lives at the time, it will always be for the better. It took a long time to trust God's choices over my life, but now I will never think twice about taking the Lord's advice.
ReplyDeleteOn a random note, when I opened my Bible to find the passage, it opened straight to the right page. Epic move, God. <3
ReplyDelete[v3] "... Now Nineveh was an exceedingly great ciy, a three-day journey in extent."
... That's a big city.
And this /whole/ city just agreed to repent. I was really surprised they didn't resist or anything. Like Stephen said, the prophets usually get laughed or throw out when they said stuff like "God's gonna destroy your city." the people just went, "Oh crap, really? Whoops. Sorry 'bout that." But it worked because they listened and stopped.
Again this reminds me of God's mercy and love and He really will forgive you for anything.
(This is replying to Caleb's post)
ReplyDeleteWow, Caleb, I had no idea. . .That takes guts to say that about yourself.