Thursday, June 24, 2010

1 Timothy 6

As we wrap up 1 Timothy, Paul gives a few final words to Timothy. He first speaks of the rich and wealthy and how many of them were once believers themselves, but gave into the temptation of "knowledge" which only leads to selfishness. He says they will not inherit God's kingdom because their eyes are blocked by greed and they will continue to follow that path forever.

He then goes on to say, to stay away from all who are like this as they will bring nothing to you, but hardships and will only try to bring you down. I think he says this to speak to Timothy as he was young and impressionable. I think this really impacts us and young people in general because we must guard our hearts against attacks, but not completely seclude ourselves to the saved because if we do, how will others come to Christ?

Friday, June 18, 2010

1 Timothy 5

This chapter contains a lot of wisdom and advice from Paul. The Apostle Paul was a very wise teacher and leader. The things he tells Timothy are for the purpose of serving people through the church, but also not to let the church be taken advantage of by people with bad intentions.
At verse twenty-two Paul says some interesting things to timothy regarding the laying on of hands. What does the laying on of hands mean though? It does not have any kind of spiritual power or meaning. It was a way for appointing the offices in the church. So Paul is saying not to elect someone who has been recently saved. The things that new believer says will be counted against Timothy as well.
Paul was a wise teacher in advising his student not to compromise for the need of elders. The church of Ephesus was exploding and needed many teachers.
That is just some of the background here. There really is so much wisdom in this chapter. Read this chapter in a couple different translations. Remember leave comments and talk about this stuff with each other.
Two good websites for commentaries and translations are and


Thursday, June 10, 2010

1 Timothy 4

This chapter is a continuation of Paul's instructions to Timothy on how the Church of Christ should conduct themselves. The beginning of this chapter talks about the many who will fall away from their faith and be induced by the liars and slanderers of the world. Then, it transfers to the ones who stay true on their path with God and how it is their, and our, job to bring correction to their ways, but at the same time love and support them.

Verse 12 speaks again of not letting age hold you back from your calling that God has placed on your life. Verse 13 goes on to Timothy's calling to preach the Word and share the gospel in public, among the people. These two verses make me think of our generation and how we all think we can change the world by ourselves. And although that is true, I think its speaking more about not looking at the world as a whole, but as lots of small sections and we need to conquer our own section to contribute to the whole. Timothy had to defeat his own fears about his age and his relative success in leading people to Christ to truly fulfill his calling. Yet, once he did, he had great success and accomplished a lot in his lifetime. Don't we also need to overcome our fear of talking to our friends at school about God or saying a quick prayer before eating dinner with our family?

If we go through this life always wondering "what if?" how will we ever know, or do, what God has called us to? How will we know if that best friend of ours, that turned their back on God, would have come back to church, if we never called them? How will we ever know that the lonely kid at lunch would grow up to be a great preacher of the gospel, if we didn't just say hi and get to know them? Just as Timothy did, we must rise against the odds, say NO to the slanderers and liars and be a light to the people in our life. Will you conquer your section? Will you be a Timothy?

Friday, June 4, 2010

1 Timothy 3

Is he a good neighbor and friend? Does he get drunk? Is he faithful to his wife? Is he abusive? Is he greedy? These things are important to find out because, "This is the church of the living God, which is the pillar and foundation of the truth."(v.7).
This is such a powerful chapter, and though you may think you are not looking to be an elder or deacon anytime soon, you are the church. So let's have a few words on that shall we.
This chapter is split focusing on the character of a leader; then Paul changes it up and gives some heart behind the pragmatics (look it up). What is it that makes a leader? It obviously does not have much to do with the position. Timothy probably had the power to make anyone an elder, but most of the guidelines were about character, which determined a deacon’s ability to preach the gospel. Character is vital to being apart of the church, because if the truth is tainted, how is it truth.

We may not all be called to be an elder, leader, or even janitor of a church, but we are all apart of THE church, united through Christ. Paul was telling Timothy to find someone who would be a good example in character. That is what leadership is about, and in some way we all lead this church, especially the janitors.

Read through, and even write down some of the traits Paul talks about. Are you living up to this standard that is set before us? Are you married? No, ok then don't worry about that one. Are you a good neighbor and friend? Are you an example to those around you?

There are so many good things in this chapter; don’t let me stop your thinking, read it yourself and let God speak to you through this.

“Example is not the most important thing about leadership. It is the only thing.” Albert Schweitzer
